RHS для ARMA 3 \ Full версия 0.4.9

Тут вы можете скачать все моды RHS версии 0.4.9. Мод RHS представляет собой сборку боевых единиц которые входят в вооруженные силы различных стран России, США и Сербии. Так-же в него входят боевые единицы вымышленных фракций которые встречались в серии ARMA.

На данный момент в мод входят:

  • RHSAFRF версии 0.4.9 – Вооруженные силы Российской Федерации. Мод содержит большое количество контента состоящей практически из всей ветви российской армии.
  • RHSUSAF версии 0.4.9 – Вооруженные силы США. Мод содержит почти все боевые единицы армии США и корпуса морской пехоты США.
  • RHSGREF версии 0.4.9 – Мод содержит вооруженные силы вымышленных и реальных независимых фракций, которые выходят за рамки AFRF и USAF.
  • RHSSAF версии 0.4.9 – Сербские вооруженные силы. Мод содержит почти все боевые единицы вооружённых сил Сербии.


Для работоспособности мода рекомендуется скачать все моды от RHS.

Список изменений в 0.4.9

ADDED IN 0.4.9

  • Added T-90AM (obyekt 188AM)
  • Added T-90SM (obyekt 188SM)
  • Added T-90SA (obr.2004g.)
  • Added T-90SA (obr.2016g.)
  • added folded as val model
  • Added 3D PSO-1 (ironsight ADS is not working atm) — can be equiped by switching preference to 3D optics in RHS game options
  • Added TNT charges (75, 200 and 400g.)
  • Added OZM-72
  • Gorka-1 uniform
  • Helmet randomization
  • Added new uniforms inventory icons
  • GP-25 is now using magazine proxies
  • Added 2S1
  • Added 810 OBrMP symbology to decals
  • Added Grip system to AS Val & Vintorez
  • Added new SoundSets based sound configuration for vehicles (WIP)
  • Added new sounds for Kamaz-5350
  • Added ability to force scope type in mission with mission namespace variable «rhs_preferedOptic»
  • Added T-14 Armata ※ Offensive systems (armament and fire-control) and defensive systems (armour and active protection) are still very much a Work In Progress
  • Initial commit of Katya and Vidda Warlords missions. Feel free to improve!
  • HIDF vs TLA Warlords
  • Mil Mi-8T (early Hip variant with Klimov TV2-117 powerplant)
  • Added additional ammo types to BM-21
  • Initial push of Livonia Warlords


  • ^ Tweaked BMP/D-2 ATGM usage by AI when target was close
  • ^ Another attempt to improve MSK-40P behavior in MP
  • ^ Added useWorldEnvMap=true; to vehicle glass rvmat
  • ^ Reduced PhysX track width to decrease chance of wheels with other vehicle wheels collision which usually leads to backflips
  • ^ Reduced Mi-24 glass reflectiveness
  • ^ Tweaked PKP textures (WIP)
  • ^ Tweaked folding script — it’s now possible to fold AK74MR & Zenitco variants when optic is mounted on RIS rail
  • ^ added _ti textures for T-72B3 (2016)
  • ^ Added 3D variant of 1P29
  • ^ added new optic for rear cam on T-72B3M
  • ^ added log for T-72B3M
  • ^ added icon for T-72B3M
  • ^ changed names of random components on T-72B3M
  • ^ Improved AFRF VG40MD smoke grenade bounciness
  • ^ Improved RGN/RGO so it uses more engine functionality instead of scripts
  • ^ Tweaked engine startup delay — engine startup delay should be shorter when engine was turned off second ago. Should improve AI behavior which tends to constantly switch on & off gas turbines
  • ^ Changed SVD hand anim to grip one
  • ^ Changed radar shadows to soft one by using visualEx sbSource
  • ^ Added Land_ classes for radars so animations should work on map placed objects
  • ^ Added new virtual garage icons for AFRF static weapons
  • ^ Tweaked 1P87 reticle brightness
  • ^ Added basic setup of cat eyes to 2S1
  • ^ Improved 122mm casing for ejection
  • ^ Improved «Cat Eyes» — now using fade out texture instead of sharp edged one
  • ^ Decal scripts can take arrays of label places
  • ^ Tweaked Ural explosion vulnerability
  • ^ GP-25 is now using soundset tech for firing sounds
  • ^ Tweaked D-30 shell ejection script
  • ^ Tweaked D-30 AI sensor pos so AT variant can now fire behind sandbags
  • ^ Tweaked AI aiming & sensor positions for Kornet & SPG-9
  • ^ Disabled damageHide on Mi8 since it’s not used due to Wreck type destruction
  • ^ Cleaned up numberPhysicalWheels — removed it from non helicopter vehicles & added proper value to some of the helicopters
  • ^ Changed tank barrels fire geometry — added new material to them with much higher deflection chance
  • ^ Tweaked spall & HEAT ammo configuration
  • ^ Improved T-72/90 Character Collision Geometries http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4826
  • ^ Adding unique recoil classes to Russian rifles (using values from BI equavilents atm)
  • ^ Tweaked AS Val muzzle smoke
  • ^ RHS Vehicle icons in Virtual Garage should be visible on Steam branch release
  • ^ Added separate name for development branch version
  • ^ Added more apprioriate anim for T90SM gunner
  • ^ Removed heads from characters Shadow LOD
  • ^ Added new accessories icons
  • ^ Tweaked again RPG-7 dispersion
  • ^ Removed some obsolete insurgents from AFRF
  • ^ Added variable to T-72 flag script which allows disable its spawning
  • ^ Made VG-40MD explode on impact (+ removed color variants) — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=2740
  • ^ Added brakes sounds to Kamaz
  • ^ Tweaked VG-40MD ballistic — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4914
  • ^ Calibrated PSO-1 — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4910 (WIP)
  • ^ Tweaked scope proxy on PKP — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4920
  • ^ Changed AK-103 inheritance
  • ^ Readded proxies to characters shadow LOD
  • ^ Some more improvements to characters fire geometry
  • ^ Added offset to FCS animation sources to fight imprecision of animateSource when vehicle is not local
  • ^ Added AFRF loadorder
  • ^ Improved addons loadorder
  • ^ Configured amphibious properties of 2S1
  • ^ Added 2S1 Commander & Loader animations
  • ^ Increased a little bit 2S1 torque on low rpm
  • ^ Added sensorPosition param to some of the static weapons
  • ^ Tweaked RPG-7 proxies size to fit more with vanilla RPG
  • ^ Moved some features of BRM-1K’s turret from an external proxy to be part of the model. Vehicle can now be fully retextured with hiddenSelectionsTextures etc.
  • ^ Improved RHS radio protocol compatibility with other mods
  • ^ Tweaked 2S1 water turning radius — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4960
  • ^ Tweaked BMP1/2 buoyancy lod & reduced turning speed — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4959
  • ^ Tweaked once again 2s1 water turning
  • ^ Extra customisation anims for Mi-8/17 helicopters
  • ^ Removed countermeasure dispensers from civilian Mi-8
  • ^ Added 6DOF view to Ka-52 — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4987
  • ^ Tweaked Mi-28 MFD parallax values — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4985
  • ^ Added facewear proxy to pilot LOD of AFRF uniforms
  • ^ Added forcedInitialOrientationDir[] (Arma 1.92 feature) to 125mm petals
  • ^ Tweaked BTR-60 body normal.
  • ^ Improved ammo event handler inheritance
  • ^ Many AFRF weapons will now accept magazines compatible with CBA JAM
  • ^ VOG-25P & RPG-7 Type-69 are using triggerAmmo for airburst instead of spawning collider
  • ^ Added optional probability param to turret blow off script
  • ^ Tweaked RWR announcer script
  • ^ Tweaked Ka-52 HUD
  • ^ Improved BTRs amphibious behavior — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4982 http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4981 http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4984
  • ^ Tweaked Ka-52 main gun indicator http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5002
  • ^ Updated AFRF load order in order to fix compatibility with new, devbranch radio protocols
  • ^ Updated Katya Warlords points
  • ^ Improved lights and cat eyes on T14
  • ^ Enlarged cat eye lights on T-14 so they are slightly more visible
  • ^ Added RWR, LWR & Arabalet radar to Ka-60
  • ^ Re-generated Russian Mi-8 textures after removing some baked-in shadow artefacts from hidden or moving parts
  • ^ Some additional customisation animations for Mi-8/Mi-17 series
  • ^ Unified decals rvmat
  • ^ Reduced flare count on Ka-52 to 128 to make it in line with Mi-28
  • ^ Unified decals rvmat
  • ^ Increased z bias on decals
  • ^ Tweaked Ural & UAZ wheels rvmat
  • ^ Added WIP BM-21 caps
  • ^ Removed hand held compass from mi-28 & Ka-52 cockpit
  • ^ Added basic dynamic loadout configuration for BM-21 using pylons tech
  • ^ Tweaked Ural wheels specular map & rvmat
  • ^ Improved Civilian Mi-8 textures
  • ^ Tweaked Kamaz land contact points
  • ^ Tweaked Ural/Kamaz wheels again
  • ^ Tweaked Ural-4320 sound config
  • ^ Tweaked ZiL-131 suspension
  • ^ Tweaked decals alpha sorting on GAZ-66
  • ^ Added log to BMP-3 shadow
  • ^ Tweaked decals RVMAT on BMP-1
  • ^ added TI textures for Kamaz & UAZ wheels + configured spare wheels TI
  • ^ Tweaked BM-21 animations
  • ^ Tweaked BM-21 particle effects
  • ^ Added wheel damage materials for Ural, UAZ, Kamaz, Zil-131 & GAZ-66
  • ^ Standardized wheel damage on trucks
  • ^ Tweaked again BM-21 firing effects
  • ^ Added launcher hitpoint to BM-21
  • ^ Tweaked tracer burn time on PKM rounds (last mag round)
  • ^ Extracted Sprut SD proxies and made commander periscope rotatable
  • ^ Tweaked ZIL-131 wheel textures
  • ^ Optimized Ka-52 UI & MFD scripts — replace setObjectTexture trickery with setUserMFDText solution
  • ^ Reduced number of BM-21 fire particles
  • ^ Added TI texture to Ka-52
  • ^ Tweaked TI materials settings to various AFRF air weapons
  • ^ Tweaked BMP-3 wheels TI
  • ^ Tweaked interior light toggle function
  • ^ Adjusted T90SM/AM TI textures to be more in line with rest of T72 variants
  • ^ Adjusted static weapons TI textures
  • ^ EMR uniform TI texture
  • ^ Adjusted Kamaz & SPG-9 TI textures
  • ^ Infantry helmet TI maps
  • ^ Added TI textures for Tu-95, MiG-29 & T-50
  • ^ Tweaked missiles TI materials
  • ^ Added TI textures to Pchela-1T
  • ^ Added TI textures to NSVT, ZU-23 & Kornet
  • ^ Added TI textures for PKP & PKM
  • ^ Warlords mission tweaks
  • ^ Tweaked Igla TI texture
  • ^ Zsh-7A aircrew helmet TI texture
  • ^ Added TI textures for AK103/4/5 & AKM
  • ^ Adjusted procedural TI textures on zenitco accessories
  • ^ Tweaked TI materials of various weapon accessories
  • ^ Added TI textures to AK accessories, SVD, T5000, AS Val, VSS, AKS74U, PP2000 & made some tweaks to other ones
  • ^ Turned off A2 Russian radio protocol in favor of A3 one
  • ^ Added some initial T-14 armor configuration (ERA)
  • ^ Rear cargo doors can now be removed from Mi-8AMT and Mi-8T through Vehicle Customisation
  • ^ Added TI textures to radars and pistols
  • ^ Added new T-72 & T-80 sounds in SoundSet tech

FIXED IN 0.4.9

  • @ Fixed Mi-24 hand aircraft throttle indicator by accident
  • @ Fixed BRM-1K gunner optic view
  • @ Fixed Zu-23-2 gunner death anim
  • @ Fixed tooltip string for 7.62×39 drum mag
  • @ Fixed T-72/90 tracks movement when one of the side was destroyed
  • @ Fixed BTR-70 periscope selection
  • @ 2S3 was missing buoyancy property in geometry LOD
  • @ 6b71m + Balaclava helmet variants had two conflicting camo1 hiddenselections in lower LODs (named camo1 and Camo1)
  • @ Fixed 2A41 weapon selection
  • @ Fixed Russian radio protocol missing .wss rpt error
  • @ T-50 with external pylons was missing in Zeus
  • @ Moved BM-21 to artillery subcategory
  • @ Added static weapons bags to cfgPatches so they can be used in Zeus
  • @ Alpha sorted cargo LOD of T-72 obr 2016
  • @ Fixed BM9 selection on T tanks when player starts as a gunner
  • @ Fixed gripod freeze — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4712
  • @ Corrected Mi-17/8 auto-hover center.
  • @ Fixed some of the pistols were missing safemode
  • @ Fixed radars destruction
  • @ Fixed Tochka-U starts with engine on when camo is selected
  • @ Igla launchers did not have penetration materials (produced dirt pfx when shot at)
  • @ Fixed RGO grenade was using wrong ammo
  • @ Adjusted PhysX setup for 2S1, temporary fix to make it somewhat useable
  • @ Fixed Russian radars were not moving when controlled by AI
  • @ GAZ-66 R142 had land contact memory points in wrong place
  • @ Fixed AGS-30 sounds in AI fire modes
  • @ Fixed BMP-3 driver animation
  • @ Fixed zeroing for 6P9 & 6P53
  • @ Fixed missing penetration materials for 6P9 & 6P53
  • @ Fixed missing rvmats on tank barrels
  • @ Fixed some Russian radio protocol .rpt errors
  • @ Fixed some error messags if unit has only single magazine and gripod is attached
  • @ Fixed updating base class errors due to sound config overwrites
  • @ Fixed missing heads shadows in view pilot
  • @ Fixed Tigr-M driver interior sounds + ability to switch between seats
  • @ Fixed PRP-3 radar action — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4860
  • @ Fixed GP-25 recoil (was defined in mode, not in muzzle and that caused pop up error) — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4879
  • @ Fixed one needle in Kamaz interior had some zfighting issues
  • @ Added missing 6P9 suppressor icon — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4873
  • @ Fixed MiG-29 was missing attenuation effect — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4890
  • @ Added penetration materials, armor & explosion shielding parameter to all RHS explosives — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4877
  • @ Fixed D-30 folding in virtual garage — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4883
  • @ Readded old Mi-24 interior sounds till new ones are ready — fix for http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4853
  • @ Fixed characters hands being screwd in last res LOD — added shadowlod param
  • @ Fixed people tag on Kamaz was assigned to multiple bones — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4825
  • @ Small zfighting issues fixes in Kamaz cabin
  • @ Fixed missing 1P29 2D option — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4875
  • @ Fixed some small zfighting issues in Gaz-66 cabin
  • @ Fixed SVD silenced sounds — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4888
  • @ 1P29 was using wrong memory point in 3d mode
  • @ Fixed open shadow in 2nd shadow LOD of PSO-1M21
  • @ Fixed some issues with 3D PSO scope model — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4910 http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4912
  • @ Removed some old sound definitions — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4927
  • @ Fixed some issues with new character fire geometries
  • @ Fixed zeroing sync for 3D variant of PSO-1M2-1 — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4935
  • @ Added missing DTK-1P icon — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4938
  • @ BMD-4 FCS animation speed was not updated (it was to slow) — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4946
  • @ Fixed some missing uv sets rpt errors in diag exe
  • @ Repaired non-closed geometry in shadow LOD of Type69 rocket grenade
  • @ Some parts of BMP-1 and BMP-1K FireGeometry LOD were sharing Component## selection names, so did not function correctly. Regenerated components to fix.
  • @ Fixed tank commander override was working even when gun or turret was destroyed — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4958
  • @ Fixed PGO-7 illumination script — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4973
  • @ Fixed BMD-1 maljutka removal Virtual Garage action + optimized some of the components by using useSource = 1 property — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5045
  • @ Fixed Gorka-R broken geometry
  • @ Fixed UAZ driver animation due to inheritance to BIS offroad & it’s recent fix for seat switching — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5056
  • @ Forgot to commit improved BTR-60 geo buoyancy — fix for http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5063
  • @ Fixed T72/T90 gun mantle weighting — http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5117
  • @ extra commas
  • @ Fixed various cars/trucks missing engine on/off sounds
  • @ Fixed floating part of mesh on BM-21
  • @ Fixed salvo settings for BM-21
  • @ Fixed Kamaz glass TI
  • @ Fixed T80UE-1 searchlight http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5151
  • @ Fixed cockpit glass alpha sorting on MiG-29 http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5169
  • @ Fixed Ka-52 snapping in tracking mode
  • @ Fixed 2S3 turret TI texture
  • @ Fixed Tigr-STS & M thermal textures
  • @ Fixed some of the GAZ-66 Kungs parts were missing rvmats
  • @ Folded AK-103 with Zenitco rail, had magazine proxy in the wrong position
  • @ Fixed missing ZiL-131 map icon
  • @ HUD Off user action was appearing in unarmed «Mi-8MT (Cargo)» instead of armed «Mi-8MTV-3 (Cargo)»
  • @ Opening cargo doors on Mi-8s was not blocking units from sitting in the correct seats on some variants


  • Removed vanilla entries from magazine wells since it’s already introduced in base game